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Are you facing an uphill or complex divorce in Los Angeles? Make sure your interests are represented by a lawyer who will fight for your goals and priorities, even against the odds with the Law Office Of Jordana N. Better.
Divorce is never easy. Especially when significant or complex financial resources are at stake. You might even feel like you are being held hostage by the situation, with your spouse holding all the cards. In La County, publicity and privacy also complicate high-net-worth divorces, adding potential fuel to that possible fire.
Fortunately, not all Los Angeles County lawyers are interested in high-profile cases for publicity, but for the challenge of securing an outcome everyone can agree to, if possible, without ever setting foot in a courtroom. Or even leaving the office. Jordana Better, an LA family law attorney, is pioneering a- well better way of handling divorce.
Working primarily remotely reduces costs, including those of trying to get around the hellish traffic of Los Angeles. It also offers greater flexibility and discretion for clients who might not want to be seen visiting any attorney, especially a divorce lawyer. It also allows Jordana Better to focus on what should, in the end, matter most. Obtaining the goals you have for your divorce, if possible through a negotiated settlement, and only in trial if necessary.
Few couples plan on going through a divorce. Unless you have a prenuptial agreement or later marital agreement you are both happy with; divorce is going to require some decision-making, compromise, and negotiations. Unfortunately, the combination of heightened emotions and financial stakes is not particularly conducive to careful communication or reasoned thinking.
For many families in Los Angeles County, things are even more complicated than that. On top of the privacy concerns and emotional tensions, many couples have to deal with other complicating factors. From multiple houses to complex investment portfolios, unorthodox revenue and wealth, like cryptocurrency, can make divorce even more of a nightmare.
A nightmare during which it is all too easy for one member of the couple, especially if there is significant age, power or income disparity, to feel like they are taking over. Or the other to feel like they have no say in the final arrangement. But if both parties want to avoid a public, drawn-out, and expensive trial, you always have at least some leverage, and a good divorce lawyer will know how to use it to get the outcomes you are hoping for without ever setting foot in a courtroom.
Law Office of Jordana N. Better. | An LA County divorce lawyer with a novel approach focused on fighting for underdogs in complex financial situations across the state and country.
Are you preventing yourself from getting a divorce out of fear of the financial repercussions? Do you want to separate but dread the publicity, time, and cost it will take to go through the court system in LA County?
Contact Jordana Better, a divorce lawyer born and raised in LA County, who is building a new approach to handling complex divorces that is discrete, remote, honest, and focused on negotiating settlements everyone can agree to. To schedule a remote consultation, call (888) 301-6777 or reach out to her team online and start down the path to your freedom, future, and independence.